Pledge a Stance of Opposing Constitutional Reform

This section is for people of non-Original descent who wish to join & pledge their support for the campaign.

Campaign Information

10/21/2014 22:22
All T-Shirts can now be ordered through:
06/19/2014 18:45
10 Reasons why it's okay to Vote No:1. Because the governments recognition campaign is seeking support for the amendments to the constitution when the exact wording hasn't actually been shown to the public yet. Therefore the public is being asked to blindly support the recognition campaign without...
06/19/2014 14:42
Thoughts on and response regarding the article: Constitutional Recognition does not foreclose on Aboriginal Sovereignty. Davis, M. Indigenous law Bulletin 2012. Please read article at Link - The title of this article is...
06/11/2014 08:48
We The People Oppose Constitutional Recognition Amendment We the people of our ancestral homelands currently known collectively as Australia oppose the Australian Government's attempt to contractually bind us in social contract within its constitution by way of recognising (Recognisance-blacks law)...